
Chairman BBD 2017

Are you interested in organizing the Beta Business Days 2017? Do you want to know how it is to work with SME's and multinationals? And can you lead an enthusiastic group of students? Application...

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Excursion ExxonMobil

On the 17th of November, we will visit ExxonMobil's refinery in Rotterdam. Different types of crude oil are processed on the plant. We will meet at 8h00 outside of building 18 (Nijenborgh 4) and...

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Direct Debit System

The treasurer has been busy setting up the direct debit system for all members. This sytem will help the treasurer to collect payments from members. This means payments for activities do not to be...

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Constitutional Drinks

Dear members, We would like to remind you of our constitutional drinks on monday the 12th of October to which you are all invited. There will be free drinks. Also, don't forget that the dress code...

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Because the pub quiz was a big success last year, the activity committee will organise a new pub quiz. This epic event will take place next week Thursday (October 1st). Dinner will be included and...

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Coffee Hours

From now on there will be two coffee hours every week. You are all welcome to grab a cup of coffee at the Lounge Mondays and Wednesdays from 11h to 12h. Hope to see you there!

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